Saturday, January 2, 2010

Beef soup for the soul

Happy 2010 to all! I hope you all are abided by superstition and ate your lentils and avoided anything that flies, for fear of fleeting fortunes in the new year. I'm hoping for a lot of change in life for the new year. 2010 has a lot to live up to, and how did I spend the first day of the new year? Making a 16 quart pot of beef broth. Beef broth, to me, is the mother of all comfort foods, a little more complex and hearty than chicken or vegetable. Its warm, and simple, and doesn't need chopped up carrots or even pasta, in my opinion. I strain it out and take it straight up. Its even better the next day after you let it cool and skim the filmy layer of fat off the top.

I thoroughly enjoy making simple broths. Its such a great way to use the cooking scraps you have lying around. On thanksgiving, I save little scrap of celery, carrot, onion, tomato and put them aside to boil the next day with the turkey bones. Turkey stock, is another great alternative to chicken, its definitely a more complex flavor. I always find it exciting though, to go through the freezer or refrigerator and find a celery heart, a few limp carrots, half of an onion, a piece of tomato, and a piece of meat, throw it into a pot, and a few hours later...voilĂ ! Liquid comfort. The only way to improve upon it, would be to get a nice piece of day old crusty bread, toast it and you'll have the perfect accompaniment to any soup you make.

I hope you all are starting the year off right with your comfort food of choice. I just need 2009 to be cooed away, like a lullaby for my tummy.

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